Monday, April 11, 2011

100 Post Cards to Manmohan Singh

100 Posts against the deadly Virus –Corruption!

When the entire nation was registering their protest against corruption and rallying behind the Gandhian soul called Anna Hazare , 100 citizens form Mumbai have lodged their protest to the Prime Minister of India by using one the oldest form of communication cards.

Using the post card itself was novel thing looking at the condition the e mails, twitter and Facebook are meting out to almost extinct “post card”.The simple act of buying 100 post card amazed the lady at the counter and that might have completed her entire target.

With computers, laptop, palm top and mobiles in hand people are fast forgetting the art of handwriting.
The act of using a 50 paise post card itself is very personal and touching form of communication between two individuals and here is the question of making the Prime Minister awake of the ground realities of the nation.

These 100 citizens poured their anger out on the PM in their choicest language.

The writing on the wall is loud and clear –India is against Corruption.

Long live India!!

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